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sV tests you - Rish

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sV tests you - Rish Empty sV tests you - Rish

Post by sV Fri 23 Dec 2011, 9:39 pm


1. Dynamos were nowhere near reckoning and they are the unbeaten team this CWC. What are your feelings ?

2. You have got two new stars with the ball - Dhananjai and Anand. What are they doing to become such a success ?

3. Whats your views on the CWC ? Enjoying it ?

4. IF you get the option of selecting a team to face in Semis. Who would it be and Why ?

5. How are your relations with Cricdude ? We have seen you both differ on a number of occasions and I have heard that things not too well between you two ?

6. Who on this forum is the most annoying guy to you and why ?

7. If not Dynamos then which team would you like to play for ?

8. Something that you would like to share with us about our CW ? We would also like to know something about your life apart from CW.

9. What would you do if you win the CWC which 9 other teams are trying hard to win ?

10. Any secret tips for the other team owners of Cricsim to manage the team ?

The Questions from other members will be added here soon.
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sV tests you - Rish Empty Re: sV tests you - Rish

Post by Rishabh Sat 24 Dec 2011, 10:08 am

1. It's an awesome feeling as we are leading the group standings and we would try to be unbeaten in this CWC edition.

2. They are doing their job. Dhananjai is bowling very economically and he also gets some important wickets and he also bats well when we need his so he is making a spot in the team. About Anand, he has bowled perfectly in last match and we hope he continues like that as we need a good seamer right now.

3. Yaaa!!! I am enjoying a lot. All teams are playing very good and trying to win this cup and most importantly, all teams are playing fairly in this format which is great to see.

4. I am fine with any of the teams. I have no problem.

5. Everything is fine between me and Cricdude. Actually he is not doing well in this CWC so he is a lil bit sad and that's why he was dropped from the team in last match. Yaa we both have different opinions but he is in Selection Committee as well so he knows better about Squads and he is doing really good by trying other players.

6. According to me no 1 is annoying guy in this forum. All are my good friends and no 1 irritates me.

7. Well right now I am happy in Dynamos but if things wont go well here then I would join Superstars or FRench Toast Mafia but I am not thinking about that right now.

8. Ah....about my life sV tests you - Rish 3899003792. Well I am a student of Salwan Public School in Gurgaon which is one of the best school there. Right now nothing special in my life except CW so enjoying that only.

9. Study Hard for my Exams and Party Harder on NEW YEAR. Tongue out

10. Every team has some weaknesses and according to me they must work on that only and they must not make mess of their lineup.

Last edited by Rish on Sat 24 Dec 2011, 4:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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sV tests you - Rish Empty Re: sV tests you - Rish

Post by Fardin Kibria Sat 24 Dec 2011, 10:15 am

Rishabh Q.4 asks which team u want to face in CWC semis
Fardin Kibria
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sV tests you - Rish Empty Re: sV tests you - Rish

Post by Rishabh Tue 27 Dec 2011, 5:16 pm

i hope answers were f9
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